Why Knowledge-Led Growth™?

Buyers are tired of being sold to. Building knowledge builds trust & authority, demonstrates value, and engages prospects more authentically, enhancing your sales efforts and leading to longer relationships.

Enhance B2B lead gen with a buyer academy

Finding that your traditional lead gen efforts aren’t driving revenue?

Prospects are looking for valuable content to help them learn about their problems or your product.

Address the 6 key questions below to ensure you’re generating qualified, warm leads for sales.

6 key questions to enhance B2B lead gen

Question 1

“Is educational content tailored to each stage of the buying journey?”

Consider the questions buyers have during the awareness, consideration, and evaluation stages and what content answers those questions.

Question 2

“Are there incentives for progress?”

Certifications, badges, and diplomas incentivize learning and measure progress for prospects and your internal team.

Question 3

“Are there clearly defined persona pathways?”

Buyers want to see targeted, relevant learning pathways to help them become superheroes in their role.

Question 4

“Am I making content decisions based on existing interaction and engagement?”

What your clients are researching should inform content, not “gut feelings” or “best practices.”

Question 5

“Are there clearly defined persona pathways?”

Buyers want to see targeted, relevant learning pathways to help them become superheroes in their role.

Question 6

“Am I making content decisions based on existing interaction and engagement?”

What your clients are researching should inform content, not “gut feelings” or “best practices.”

Guide: Knowledge-Led Growth™ for Content Marketers

The guide shows marketers how they can implement Knowledge-Led Growth to grow revenue.
  • icon-handshake
    Learn what content buyers want
  • icon-protection
    Use education to grow revenue
  • icon-hand
    Activate your sales team

Traditional content marketing doesn’t cut it.

68% of B2B buyers prefer to do individual research online rather than involving a sales rep.

Today’s B2B buyers are rejecting traditional marketing & sales models in favor of authenticity and self-empowerment. With changing buyer trends, you need a platform built to motivate consumers to engage with your content and sell themselves on your solution before they even reach a rep.

UiPath gained $2.5M in profit with Knowledge-Led Growth™

After building their academy, UiPath’s content marketing finally started working.

Building a Knowledge-Led Growth™ academy is easier than you think.

Start with what you have and expand in simple steps.

Why businesses choose Revinova:


Platform Users


Marketing Qualified Leads


Average ROI


Get a vision for
your academy

Scheduling a Launch Plan Meeting gives you:

  • Recommendations on how to pivot existing content for your academy
  • Ideas for what content you would need to create
  • Expert advice on how to map content to your buyer journey

All with zero commitments.