Why Knowledge-Led Growth™?

Buyers are tired of being sold to. Building knowledge builds trust & authority, demonstrates value, and engages prospects more authentically, enhancing your sales efforts and leading to longer relationships.

How to make B2B content marketing actually work

Finding that your traditional content marketing efforts aren’t driving revenue?

Prospects are looking for clear pathways to research their problems, but not all educational content is set up to generate revenue.

Address the 6 key questions below to see more ROI from content marketing.

6 key questions to enhance B2B content marketing

Question 1

“Is educational content tailored to each stage of the buying journey?”

Consider the questions buyers have during the awareness, consideration, and evaluation stages and what content answers those questions.

Question 2

“Are there incentives for progress?”

Certifications, badges, and diplomas incentivize learning and measure progress for prospects and your internal team.

Question 3

“Are there clearly defined persona pathways?”

Buyers want to see targeted, relevant learning pathways to help them become superheroes in their role.

Question 4

“Am I making content decisions based on existing interaction and engagement?”

What your clients are researching should inform content, not “gut feelings” or “best practices.”

Question 5

“Are there clearly defined persona pathways?”

Buyers want to see targeted, relevant learning pathways to help them become superheroes in their role.

Question 6

“Am I making content decisions based on existing interaction and engagement?”

What your clients are researching should inform content, not “gut feelings” or “best practices.”

Guide: Knowledge-Led Growth™ for Content Marketers

The guide shows marketers how they can implement Knowledge-Led Growth to grow revenue.
  • icon-handshake
    Learn what content buyers want
  • icon-protection
    Use education to grow revenue
  • icon-hand
    Activate your sales team

Traditional content marketing doesn’t cut it.

68% of B2B buyers prefer to do individual research online rather than involving a sales rep.

Today’s B2B buyers are rejecting traditional marketing & sales models in favor of authenticity and self-empowerment. With changing buyer trends, you need a platform built to motivate consumers to engage with your content and sell themselves on your solution before they even reach a rep.

UiPath gained $2.5M in profit with Knowledge-Led Growth™

After building their academy, UiPath’s content marketing finally started working.

Building a Knowledge-Led Growth™ academy is easier than you think.

Start with what you have and expand in simple steps.

Why businesses choose Revinova:


Platform Users


Marketing Qualified Leads


Average ROI


Get a vision for
your academy

Scheduling a Launch Plan Meeting gives you:

  • Recommendations on how to pivot existing content for your academy
  • Ideas for what content you would need to create
  • Expert advice on how to map content to your buyer journey

All with zero commitments.